
An island called the Little Continent – the Canary Island of


Gran Canaria offers not only an incredibly colourful nature show in all of its deep valleys cut into steep hillsides called barrancos. You won`t find them in such an ample amount anywhere else on the Canary Islands. However, there are also towns with rich history and architecture in the Spanish colonial style – so typical for the Canary Islands.


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Whether you stay on one of the southern tourist beaches...Or you decide to explore the villages and the mountainous centre of the island...You discover the magic of the green north and its people...Or you visit the enchanting historical towns and the busy capital with all that it offers,  We believe that you will be pleasantly surprised by colourful Gran Canaria just as much as we were!



Although Gran Canaria is a mere 50 km in diameter, we can find here the sunny south with a tropical climate, a mountainous centre of the island covered with forests and banana plantations, the highest mountain Pico de la Nieves almost 2 km high, isolated mountain villages and the capital inhabited by half the population, and the green north rich for water with typical Canary little towns hemmed in with a wild northerh coast where the Atlantic shows its strength. Gran Canaria offers not only an incredibly colourful nature show in all of its deep valleys cut into steep hillsides called barrancos.

The whole south is scattered with holiday resorts and at the end lies Puerto de Mogan. In the sixties Puerto de Mogan was just a rocky bay with several fishermen`s houses. 

Some guidebooks recommend blowing your car horn before every curve. Please god do not do this! For one, the honking would basically be uninterrupted, and mainly – the sound echoes so the person driving in the opposite direction cannot possibly know behind which curve the honking madman actually is.

The variety of Gran Canaria is best observed from above.Tourists as well as the local people love to admire the view of their colourful island. There are observation points built on many volcanic peaks – often with a restaurant or a park. Thanks to quite a wild combination of the altitude differences and the amount of precipitation the Gran Canaria has five main climate and an incredible 14 microclimate zones.


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