The undiscovered island of untouched beaches –the Balearic Island of


An oasis of serenity and a Mediterranean paradise with fantastic, untouched beaches, a turquoise sea, white sands and magnificent nature, including a horse trail slash hiking trail stretching around the entire island.


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the Best Of


Menorca is a delicate island that highly prizes its natural beauty and uniqueness. Let’s savor its magic, but let’s also be considerate in doing so, in hopes that it may remain here forever.


An oasis of serenity and a Mediterranean paradise with fantastic, untouched beaches, a turquoise sea, white sands and magnificent nature, including a horse trail slash hiking trail stretching around the entire island.

The southern beaches have one thing in common. Without exception, everyone’s jaw drops at how clear the water is here andat its fantastically striking blue color. The water is so clear that you can see all the way to the bottom of relatively deep coves.This is due to the crystal clear water, but also the limestone seabed that reflects the sun’s rays back to the surface.

Ciutadella de Menorca was founded by the Phoenicians 3,000 years ago and always was, and continues to be, home to the wealthy aristocracy and the church. The buildings are built of limestone from the sea andwere created according to Catalan and Italian designs. The city has continued to retain the atmosphere of a medieval capital.

The whole canyon is 7 kilometers long.It cuts into the island all the way to its midpoint.In the course of thousands of years, the river has eroded up to 80 meters of the rockin places. 


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some Filming locations

Menorca, which we got to know, is only a small part of the Undiscovered Island